Resources for people with pain

We recommend the following free, evidence-based resources for people with pain in Ontario.
CPN Patient Engagement in Research
Webinar Series
Recorded webinars for researchers on patient engagement from the CPN.
Pain Waves podcast
Pain Waves is a podcast created by Pain BC where listeners can hear leading chronic pain experts and people in pain discuss the latest pain management research, tools, stories, and trends.
Veteran and Family Well-Being video series
The aim of the Veteran and Family Well-Being series is to provide education on the evolution of pain management and current best practices in evidence-based interdisciplinary care. Presented in an accessible manner, the target audience is Veterans, their families, health care professionals, case managers, and researchers.
Take a Pain Check Podcast
A podcast for youth and young adults with rheumatic diseases. Take a Pain Check Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Natasha Trehan. Natasha hosts podcasts every other Sunday with guests engaging them in conversations about their chronic illness, their relationships, accomplishments, lifestyle, and much more. Take a Pain Check is currently changing the lives of individuals impacted with rheumatic diseases by creating a safe community. The goal is to empower youth to advocate for themselves, and to create a place where they feel understood.
Take a Pain Check Blogs
A blog for youth and young adults with rheumatic diseases. Take a Pain Check is a non-profit organization committed to the mission and vision of supporting youth and young adults with rheumatic diseases through social media, initiatives, advocacy, and raising awareness.
Roles for patient partners in your project
If you're a pain researcher who has never worked with patient partners or caregivers in your research before (or even if you have!), the CPN Patient Engagement Committee and Network patient partners have some ideas for you to consider.
The Canadian Journal of Pain
The Canadian Journal of Pain is an open access journal that publishes research from all disciplines involved in the study of pain, including the clinical and basic sciences, epidemiology, and health policy and health systems. The Canadian Journal of Pain is the Official Journal of the Canadian Pain Society.
Guide to Chronic Pain in Students: an in-school resource
The Guide to Chronic Pain in Students: An In-School Resource for students and teachers. A downloadable guide to supporting kids with pain at school.
Resources for healthcare professionals
Guideline & Standards:
Ontario Health Quality Standards:
- Osteoarthritis
- Low Back Pain
- Opioid Prescribing for Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain
- Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain
- Opioid Use Disorder (Opioid Addiction)
Choosing Wisely:
- Treating Low Back Pain
- Imaging Tests for Low Back Pain
- Opioid Wisely
- Managing chronic pain in primary care
- Treating OA of the Knee
Guidelines & Standards:
- Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care – BC
- PEER Simplified Chronic Pain Guideline – National
- Pediatric Pain Management Standard
- The 2017 Canadian Guideline for Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Direct Clinical Supports
- Ontario eConsult Program
EMR Supports & Practice Reports:
- CEP EMR CDSS for Chronic Pain
- MyPractice Reports: Primary Care
- EMR queries
- Digital Health Drug Repository
Education & Clinical Tools
- Pain Foundations for Primary Care Providers
- Pain Foundations for Allied Health Providers
- Online Pediatric Pain Curriculum
- Interprofessional Pain Curriculum
- Safer Opioid Prescribing
- Opioids Clinical Primer
- Project ECHO: Chronic Pain and Opioid Stewardship
- Project ECHO: St. Joseph’s Care Group
- Centre for Effective Practice Clinical Tools:
- Chronic Non Cancer Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain and Headache Navigator
- Osteoarthritis
- Opioid Manager
- Opioid Tapering
- Manual Therapy for MSK pain
- Vulvodynia Primary Care Toolkit